Scholastic Book Orders
Are you looking to order books for your child, while also supporting our Terry Fox library? Did you know that you can place orders online from Scholastic and save the shipping fees by having them delivered to the school? Visit to see the selection of books available. You can place an order using class code RC222542 to have your order shipped to Terry Fox E.S. Orders will be sent home with your student upon arrival. If your order contains gifts or surprises, please send Mrs. Willoughby an email to indicate this ([email protected]), so that alternative pick-up arrangements can be made. To ensure timely delivery, all orders must be in by the 15th of each month. Submitting orders past the 15th will result in significant delivery delays and the potential for "out of stock" items.
Lending Library

you looking for fun ways to support Language and Math skills at home?
Check out our Lending Library sponsored by Terry Fox E.S. Parent
Council! We have a variety of Math and Language games available for sign
out from our library. We even have French resources to help support
French learning. Our students have access to many of these games in
their classroom, and teachers will be using them at various times
throughout the year. This means, that your child can show you how to
play! If you are interested, have your child visit our library to sign
out a game they can borrow for home.
Access our online library:
The Simcoe County District School Board has more than 100 school libraries, and all schools have a full-time teacher-librarian. There are approximately 1.5 million items in the current resource collection.
Teacher-librarians work with students and staff to develop collections that are engaging for students and staff. The goals are to provide relevant resources for learning, instruction and reading enjoyment.
Teacher-librarians work with students, staff, administration and families to support and improve student literacy and academic achievement.